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Blogging: The New Age of Making Money Online

Blogging has become a popular way of expressing opinions over the internet. The idea started with an aim of getting people to share the their life experiences with the world. Over time, however, blogs have evolved into powerful business tools. Many people have made blogs their main income sources. For others, blogging is a part-time job. Nonetheless, the main point here is that you can actually make money with your blog. There are several ways to monetize your blog. This article will discuss a few options of how to make money online blogging.

Selling advertising space

With the right amount of traffic, your blog can be a good advertisement tool. Companies pay bloggers to place their content on blogs. You can decide to charge them monthly fees or annual fees. Alternatively, you may charge them for every click that the advertisement gets. This will be based on a mutual agreement.

Sell your own services and product

Decide on the product you wish to sell. Make sure that it relates to the content you're going to be creating. Make most of your blog posts a selling point for your products. Most of your customers will be part of your audience. You should provide your contact information to clients who wish to order the products and/or services.

Post directory listings

This is almost similar to selling advertisement space. You allocate space on your blog for links to different companies. The companies need to be in the same category as your blog content. Most companies prefer having their links on the top part of the page. Others leave you to decide where to place the listing.


Blogs provide a lot of information. Some do it for free while others charge a fee. If you don't want to charge your audience you can offer them an option to donate. Some people are willing to pay money for valuable information. You may need a merchant account from online payment companies such as PayPal. This will help you provide a donation button on the blog.

Sell your blog

This is quite a different way of making money from blogging. This is because you may not be in control of the blog after selling it. After attracting a large audience you can decide to sell your blog. The price of the blog will be determined by the amount of traffic. You can sell it in person or search online for website auction sites where you can sell it to the highest bidder. Check out how to make money online.

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